Monday, November 07, 2005

Dumpster net-working…

In the beginning there was garbage….out of garbage sprang forth free stuff….which in turn nurtured great business partners….

What?? Quoi? Huh? what you are all thinking (admit it). I have a great framer who gives me great pricing but being the “cheapskate” that I am – I was wondering how much cheaper I could go – the cheapest there was, was FREE.

Now how was I going to get free frames? First, went around looking for off cuts and I was willing to pay for them (not much, but the thought was there and I knew they needed money too.) But, then my friends at “Olympic” told me that it took too much time to place things aside for me and so, if I was willing to “Dumpster Dive”, every Monday morning is when they got rid of their good off cuts and for the low cost of washing my jeans I could have first look-sees and take what I wanted. [And, of course I did !!]

So, here I am on a beautiful Montreal summer morning, rummaging through Olympics’ garbage - I heard a voice….”What are you doing?” The smart-aleck that I am replied “What does it look like I’m doing?” ”What are those for?”. “What do you think they’re for… you never saw frames before?” He laughed, a conversation ensued. I was an artist, he was a printer, he wants to print art, I have art that needs printing…and a beautiful friendship has begun. Hence, was born a phrase I have coined “Dumpster Net-working”.

One thing led to another, and we teamed up to produce 2 lithographs of my work. The lesson learned, was the best things are found in dumpsters: business contacts. The next time you want to get some business done, jump into a dumpster, and start a conversation with a complete stranger, and see where that leads you. (Results may vary.)

I now have 2 beautiful lithographs for sale. China Glow and Fleur Royale. You can purchase your limited editions at:my ebay store and or e-mail me at


Blogger Kevin Jenne said...

It needs an ending.

5:07 PM  

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